MOT Sanakirjat® API

Welcome to MOT Sanakirjat® API!

About Kielikone

Kielikone Oy is the Finnish market leader in language technology. Our main product, MOT Kielipalvelu®, is used every day by thousands of people in companies, educational organizations, and public services. What our users have in common is the need for reliable, up-to-date and user-friendly language tools.

We offer our partners access to our high-quality content, MOT Sanakirjat®, also directly via an application programming interface (API).

We will be happy to help you build your own integration with our world-class data!

What is possible using our API

Integrated dictionaries

Use our dictionary exactly where your users are, on your platform. With our API it is possible to bring our high-quality dictionary content right to your users.

Cleverer bots

Structured data, base forming and dependency parsing technology help solve many language problems especially relevant in Finnish language.


Large collection of example sentences and definition lookup can be used to enhance various word games.


To get your copy of MOT Sanakirjat® API key, please email us at: Tell us briefly about you and your project and we’ll get back to you.

Getting started with the API

MOT Sanakirjat® API is a RESTful HTTP API that offers dictionary and other linguistic data. To get your copy of MOT Sanakirjat® API key, please email us at:

What data is available?

The API offers different types of data via different endpoints. Below is a brief description of each endpoint.


Tokenize, morphologically analyze and dependency parse Finnish text. These endpoints will help you perform complex analysis tasks like information retrieval and other rule-based natural language processing.


Find out whether a word exists in the dictionary and has translations. Also returns matches beginning with the searched term. Examples:

  • Search for cat from English into Finnish: returns cat, catacomb, cataclysm, etc.

In most languages, you can search with or without accents and with or without spaces, hyphens, periods etc.:

  • Search for dej from English into Finnish: returns deject, dejecta, de jure, déjà vu, etc.


Get full dictionary entries that match the searched word (case-insensitive). Depending on the language and original data source, dictionary entries include information about the headword (part-of-speech, grammatical information, etc.) as well as translations, usage example sentences and translations for the usage examples. Examples:

  • Search for cat from English into Finnish: returns all the full entries for cat, CAT and C.A.T with information about the headwords as well as translations into Finnish.


Get inflections or conjugated forms for a given word. For example:

  • For the Finnish noun talo, get the forms taloa, talon, taloon, etc.


See what the possible base forms (lemmas) of a word form are. For example:

  • For the Finnish word form alusta, get the possible base forms alus, alku, alustaa, alunen.


Get the available dictionary groups and the languages they contain.
Dictionaries are grouped under mot.general,, mot.medicine and mot.tech_commerce.

By default, search results come from all dictionaries that match the requested languages.
By using the dictionaries parameter, you can select any subset of dictionary groups.

Code samples

Below are minimal examples of calling the API in different programming languages to help get you started.

Calling the API: Python sample code

import requests

api_key = 'acbedfg-abcd-abcd-abcd-abcd' # Replace with your own API key
url = ''

my_headers = {'key': api_key}

my_parameters = {
    'keyword': 'cat',
    'keyword_language': 'en',
    'target_language': 'fi'

response = requests.get(url, headers=my_headers, params=my_parameters)
data = response.json()
headword = data[0]['headword']

Calling the API: JavaScript (Node.js) sample code

const axios = require('axios');

const apiKey = 'acbedfg-abcd-abcd-abcd-abcd'; // Replace with your own API key

axios.get('', {
  params: {
    keyword: 'cat',
    keyword_language: 'en',
    target_language: 'fi'
  headers: {
    key: apiKey
.then(function(response) {
  let parsed = JSON.stringify(, null, 2);

Calling the API: using monolingual dictionary

axios.get('', {
  params: {
    keyword: 'yrittää',
    keyword_language: 'fi',
    target_language: 'fi',
    dictionaries: 'mot.general'
  headers: {
    key: apiKey

axios.get('', {
  params: {
    keyword: 'yrittää',
    keyword_language: 'fi',
    target_language: 'en,fi', // both English and monolingual Finnish results
    dictionaries: 'mot.general,mot.tech_commerce'
  headers: {
    key: apiKey

Calling the API: using multilingual dictionary

axios.get('', {
  params: {
    keyword: 'helsinki',
    keyword_language: 'fi',
    target_language: 'fi,sv,en,se' // results in multiple languages
  headers: {
    key: apiKey